Microscope Museum

Collection of antique microscopes and other scientific instruments




 A black and white text

Description automatically generated A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated         A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated A close-up of a sign

Description automatically generated    A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated    A black and white text

Description automatically generated    A black text on a white background

Description automatically generated    A black text on a white background

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A black and white cover with a piano

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A close-up of a telescope

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Sartorius (1897)

Balances and weights

Sartorius (1919)

Astronomische und erdmagnetische instrumente




Franz Schmidt & Haensch (Berlin, Germany)


A white circle with red text

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Franz Schmidt & Haensch (1910)

Projektions apparate




W Schmidt & Co (Grafenroda, Germany)


A white paper with a black and white image of a city

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W Schmidt (19xx)

Chirurgie und Krankenpflege



A close-up of a paper

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Jean Schoenner (1900)




SCIENTIFIC Optics (England)


A black and white cover with white text

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Scientific Optics (1970s)

Open University McArthur microscope


A close-up of a paper

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The Scientific Shop (1907)



A close-up of a paper

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A black and white page of a document

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A black and white page of a document

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A black and white cover of a book

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Secretan (1850)***

Optique Instruments

Secretan (1862)***

Instruments d optique

Secretan (1863)***

 iIstruments d’optique

Secretan (1874)***

Geodesie Mesure Instruments





A black and white document

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A close-up of a book

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A black and white document with black text

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A black and white document with black text

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Secretan (19xx)


Secretan (c. 1900)

Instruments d chimie

Secretan (1905)***

Geodesie topographie astronomie sciences

Secretan (1905)***






A black and white paper with text

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A white paper with black text

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A white paper with black text

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Secretan (1906)***

Astronomie e d optique

Secretan (1915)***

Instruments dastronomie optique scientifique

Secretan (1924)***

 Instruments de precision




SEIBERT (Wetzlar, Germany)


A black and white photo of a book

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A close-up of a book

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Seibert (1894)


Seibert (1903)






A black leather cover with gold writing

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A close-up of a book

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Sharp and Smith (1889)

Surgical instruments

Sharp & Smith (1893)

Surgical instruments



A red cover with a picture of a typewriter

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A bird flying over a globe

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Short and Mason (1903)

Aneroid barometers

Short and Mason (1935)

Aviation and meteorological catalogue



A close-up of a paper

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A close-up of a book

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A white paper with black text

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A white paper with black text

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D Simal (19xx)

Instruments de chirurgie 3

D Simal (19xx)

Instruments de chirurgie

D Simal (1912)***

Instruments de chirurgie supplement

D Simal (1912)***

Instruments de chirurgie





A book with text on it

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A close-up of a paper

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A white paper with black text

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A paper with a drawing of a person wearing goggles

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D Simal (1923)

Instruments de chirurgie

D Simal (1931)

Instruments de chirurgie

D Simal (1931)***

Instruments ophtalmologie and others

D Simal (1938)

Instruments de chirurgie



D Simal & A Legros (Paris, France)


A close-up of a paper

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A close-up of a document

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D Simal & A Legros (1925)

Instruments de chirurgie

D Simal & A Legros (1926)

Instruments de chirurgie




A close-up of a book

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Smith Beck and Beck (1865)

A treatise on the construction, proper use, and capabilities of the achromatic microscopes



Société des Lunetiers (Paris, France)


A paper with a picture of a town

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Societe des Lunetiers (1901)

 Lunetterie Optique



Société d'Optique et de Mécanique de Haute Précision – SOM (Paris, France)


A close-up of a book

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SOM (1930)***




Société Genovaise (Geneva, Swittzerland)


A close-up of a paper

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A brown box with black text

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A white paper with black text

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A close-up of a telescope

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Societe Genevoise (19xx)

High precision bench micrometer

Societe Genovoise (1900)

Physical and mechanical instruments

Societe Genovoise (1913)


Societe Genevoise (1914)

 Instruments astronomiques



Societe centrale de produits chimiques (Paris, France)


A paper with text on it

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A white paper with black text

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Societe centrale de produits chimiques (1891)***

Appareils et materiels

Societe centrale de produits chimiques (1891)***

Catalogue general illustre



Société Française des Instruments D’Optique – SFIO (Le Havre, France)


A brown paper with black text

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SFIO (1910)***

Microscopes) et accessoires




A close-up of a book

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A cover of a book

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A close-up of a book

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A catalog of microscopes and accessories

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Spencer (1914)

Microscopes and accessories

Spencer (1924)

Microscopes and accessories

Spencer (1926)

The microscope, construction, use and care

*Spencer (1929)

Microscopes, microtomes and accessories





A book cover with a microscope

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A book cover with a microscope

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A book cover with a microscope

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A cover of a book

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Spencer (1929)

Microscopes, microtomes

Spencer (1929)

Microscopes, microtomes

Spencer (1930)

Microscopes, microtomes, delineascopes

Spencer (1935)






A brown and black cover with white text

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A close-up of a book

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A person looking through a microscope

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A close-up of a book

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Spencer (1935)

Research microscopes

Spencer (1937)

Bright-line haemacytometer

Spencer (1937)

Medical microscopes

Spencer (1943)

The use of polarising microscopes





A cover of a book

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A book cover with a microscope

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Spencer (1946)

Polarizing microscopes

Spencer (1948)

Polarizing microscopes







A close-up of a trade list

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*Spencer Browning & Co (1857)

Microscopes and microscopic objects





A black and white sign with a building and trees

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A close-up of a white surface

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Spindler & Hoyer (1908)

Apparate fur psychologische

Spindler & Hoyer (1921)

Apparate fur psychologische





A brown paper with black text

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A book with text on it

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Standard Scientific (1913)

Laboratory apparatus

Standard Scientific Co (1921)

Laboratory apparatus




A paper with text on it

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WF Stanley (1931)

Stanleys instruments




A poster of a telescope on a planet

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Star Liner Co (1972)





CA Steinheil Sohne (Munich, Germany)


A book with text on it

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CA Steinheil Sohne (1907)

Astronomical and physical instruments





A book with a picture of a telescope

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Stendicke (1890s)

Optical instruments




A close-up of a book

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An old advertisement for a catalog

Description automatically generated with medium confidence

An old advertisement for a musical instrument

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A black and white advertisement with a microscope

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JH Steward (1871)

Optical philosophical instruments

JH Steward (1885)

Meteorological instruments

JH Steward (1899)

Meteorological instruments

*JH Steward (1903)






A white paper with black text

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JH Steward (1930s)

Meteorological instruments








A black and white document

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A white paper with black text

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A black and white image of a microscope

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Stiassnie (1905)***

Microscopes et appareils accessoires

Stiassnie (1905)***


Stiassnie (1910)***





CH Stoelting (Chicago, USA)


A black and white cover of a book

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A white paper with black text

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CH Stoelting (1931)

Tests for Color Perception Visual and Auditory Acuity

CH Stoelting (1937)

Psychological and Physiological Apparatus





A black and white document with text

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A close-up of a certificate

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A close-up of a microscope

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A paper with text and images

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*James Swift (1860s)

Microscopes and other optical instruments


James Swift (1870s)

Microscopes, portable and equatorial telescopes and other optical instruments (6th edition)


James Swift (1875)

Microscope advert


James Swift and Son (1890)

New patent microscope






A close-up of a certificate

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A black and white advertisement for microscopes

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A close-up of a document

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A close up of a book

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*James Swift and Son (1892)

Microscopes (19th edition)


*James Swift and Son (1906)

Microscopes (22nd edition)


*James Swift and Son (1910s)

Microscopes (26th edition)


James Swift (1910s)

Microscopes (27th edition; excerpt)






A black and white advertisement for a scientific instrument

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A close-up of a certificate

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A close-up of a microscope

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A black and silver microscope

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James Swift and Son (1910)

Petrological microscopes


*James Swift and Son (1914)

Petrological and metallurgical microscopes


James Swift and Son (1949)

Medical microscopes

James Swift and Son (1950s)

Petrological microscopes polaroid model (excerpt)





A close-up of a microscope

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A close-up of a microscope

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A white cover with black text

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A close-up of a microscope

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James Swift and Son (1956)

Metallurgical microscopes model M

James Swift and Son (1959)

Model PN microscopes

James Swift and Son (c. 1960)

Microscopes and optical instrument

James Swift and Son (1964)

Model PMO microscopes





An open book with a telescope

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A brochure of a person and person looking at a telescope

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Swift Instruments (1960s)


Swift Instruments (1961)





* Catalogues adapted from the Little Imp Suite of Books and Catalogues on Microscopes and Microscopy (http://www.microscopy-uk.org.uk/Little-Imp/index.html), after authorisation was kindly conceded from the author Steve Gill. These files are for personal use only, must not be further distributed or hosted online elsewhere, and under no circumstances should they be offered for sale either singly or as compilations without the permission of the respective authors (their contacts can be found in the respective webpages above).

***Catalogue hosted at the Conservatoire Numérique des Arts et Métiers (Le CNUM – CNAM; https://cnum.cnam.fr/thematiques/fr/catalogue_general/cata_auteurs.php)